Clipper Fleet Week 2024

at The Wharf DC

Clipper Fleet Around the World 2024

Race Like No Other

The Clipper Round the World Yacht Race is one of the biggest challenges of the natural world and an endurance test like no other. With no previous sailing experience necessary, before signing up for the intensive training program, it’s a record-breaking 40,000 nautical mile race around the world on a 70-foot ocean racing yacht. The next edition will be the Clipper 2025-26 Race and will begin in late summer 2025. The route is divided into eight legs and between 13 and 16 individual races including six ocean crossings. You can choose to complete the full circumnavigation or select one or multiple legs.

Clipper Fleet Around the World Race

Since the first Clipper Race crew left Plymouth in October 1996 on board eight 60-foot yachts, the race’s increase in size is almost immeasurable. Today more than 5,000 people and three generations of Clipper ocean racing fleets have competed in what is known to be the world’s toughest ocean racing challenge.

The route of each edition of the race is unique, often formed by Host Ports around the globe. In the race’s history, more than fifty cities have have played host to the Clipper Race.

The Crew of the Washington, DC Yacht

The Washington, DC yacht has a crew of 20 members. This number includes the professional skipper and a mix of amateur sailors, ensuring a balanced team that can handle the demands of the race while fostering a spirit of learning and camaraderie.

The crew members range in age from 23 to 65, reflecting the inclusive nature of the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race. This diverse age range brings together individuals with varying life experiences and perspectives, enriching the team dynamic and contributing to a robust and adaptable crew.

The Washington, DC Stopover

The inclusion of Washington, DC, as a stopover in the Clipper Race brought a wave of excitement to the nation's capital. The fleet arrived at The Wharf in early May 2024, attracting thousands of spectators and sailing enthusiasts. The stopover provided a unique opportunity for the public to engage with the crews, learn about the race, and experience the thrill of ocean racing firsthand.

During their stay in DC, the crews participated in various events and activities designed to foster community engagement and promote the spirit of adventure. These included open boat tours, where visitors could explore the Clipper 70 yachts and interact with the sailors, and a series of seminars and workshops on sailing and ocean conservation.

Events DC

The highlight of the stopover was the Parade of Sail, a spectacular display of the fleet as they sailed down the Potomac River, showcasing their impressive skills and teamwork. This event was accompanied by live music, food stalls, and a festive atmosphere, making it a memorable experience for all who attended.

Events DC

The Overall Champions: Ha Long Bay

Ha Long Bay

The Clipper 2023-24 Round the World Yacht Race has recently concluded. The race, which spanned 326 days and covered 40,000 nautical miles across six oceans and six continents, ended with the Grand Finale at Gunwharf Quays in Portsmouth on July 27, 2024. Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam emerged as the overall champion of the race, while UNICEF took the top spot in Race 14, the final race of the series. This event marked the culmination of the 11-month-long race, which involved 14 individual races across the globe.

The race standings show Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam leading with 138 points, followed closely by Perseverance with 137 points, and Zhuhai with 134 points. The Clipper Race is known for its challenging conditions and serves as a significant endurance test for participants, involving multiple legs and tactical decisions throughout the arduous journey.

The Human Element: Stories of Perseverance


Beyond the physical challenges, the Clipper Race is a test of mental fortitude and teamwork. The diverse backgrounds of the participants bring a rich tapestry of stories and experiences to the race, each adding a unique dimension to the overall narrative.

Personal Journeys

Many participants join the Clipper Race as a means of challenging themselves and seeking personal growth. For some, it is a lifelong dream, while for others, it represents a fresh start or a break from routine life. The race provides a platform for individuals to push their limits, overcome fears, and discover new strengths.

Team Dynamics

The race fosters a strong sense of camaraderie and teamwork among the crews. Living and working together in close quarters for extended periods creates a unique bond, as sailors must rely on each other for support and safety. This aspect of the race is often highlighted by participants as one of the most rewarding experiences.

The Clipper Round the World Yacht Race is more than just a sailing competition; it is a life-changing adventure that tests the limits of human endurance and spirit. The 2023-2024 edition has provided thrilling moments, from navigating through fierce storms to the joyous celebrations during stopovers like Washington, DC. As the fleet continues its journey around the globe, it carries with it the dreams and aspirations of its diverse crew, inspiring countless others to embark on their own adventures.

What People Are Saying

The Washington, DC stopover received overwhelmingly positive feedback from both the local community and the sailing fraternity. Many locals expressed their admiration for the bravery and determination of the participants, while sailing enthusiasts appreciated the opportunity to witness such a prestigious event up close.

"Seeing the Clipper Race fleet docked at The Wharf was an incredible sight," said one local resident. "It's amazing to think that these sailors are traveling around the world, facing such extreme conditions. It's truly inspiring."


Clipper Fleet Week 2024
Clipper Fleet Week 2024
Clipper Fleet Week 2024
Clipper Fleet Week 2024
Clipper Fleet Week 2024
Clipper Fleet Week 2024

Clipper Fleet Week 2024
Clipper Fleet Week 2024
Clipper Fleet Week 2024
Clipper Fleet Week 2024
Clipper Fleet Week 2024
Clipper Fleet Week 2024